
Why fad diets do not work

By Sara McDonnell | 3 April 2023

It’s an unpopular opinion to say, but there are no quick fixes when it comes to weight loss – that stays off.  For some people,…

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Client case study: Active Winter Holidays – Skiing Training Ideas

By Sara McDonnell | 20 January 2023

One of the reasons some of my clients contact me initially is because they wish to prepare for and be strong enough for their next…

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New Year – New Movement?

By Sara McDonnell | 4 January 2023

Happy 2023! The new year is a time of renewed energy and a sense of new beginnings.  As we kick off 2023, it got me…

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Accountability – When and why to seek help with your fitness goals

By Sara McDonnell | 25 February 2022

Have you noticed how motivating yourself can be tricky?  Sometimes the motivation is there and other times it’s nowhere to be found? I totally get it – it happens to me as well. I’m great at motivating others but not necessarily myself.
This is where accountability comes in.

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New year, fresh focus – Building a sustainable fitness routine.

By Sara McDonnell | 5 January 2022

Yay, it’s 2022! Cue all the ‘new year – new you’ messaging that often fall flat after a couple of weeks. What 2022 brings us…

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Cardio vs. strength

By Sara McDonnell | 4 October 2021

Listening to our body and thinking about how it might feel best to move it (aka intuitive exercising) is about realising that what might feel…

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