
7 Exercises for Women in Their 40’s

By Sara McDonnell | 1 August 2023

As we age, we are prone to losing muscle mass.  In our blog this month, I wanted to share some…

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Sleep and Exercise – How One Impacts The Other

By Sara McDonnell | 1 July 2023

We often discuss the link between exercise and how it can help you have a better night’s sleep. As we…

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Training for Sports – Touch Rugby

By Sara McDonnell | 1 June 2023

Many of my clients play sports and sometimes they ask me to build their personal training sessions to help them…

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Taking Care of your mental well-being through Movement

By Sara McDonnell | 2 May 2023

This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is from 15- 21 May and focuses on the theme of  ‘anxiety’.  The website…

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Why fad diets do not work

By Sara McDonnell | 3 April 2023

It’s an unpopular opinion to say, but there are no quick fixes when it comes to weight loss – that…

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When to seek help from a personal trainer

By Sara McDonnell | 1 March 2023

Have you ever worked with a personal trainer? If not, you might be wondering when and why it could help,…

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